QUEENS, NY - (@TheComedyNews) - Actor and comedian Bob Saget has been tapped by Anthony Weiner himself to play the former Congressman in the upcoming made-for-TV movie, "Weinergate".

"I invited Bob over to my bungalow in Queens this week, we had a good talk," describes Weiner, clad in a Mets sleeveless shirt at a Golds Gym. "Bob proved to me that not only does he basically look like me and have the propensity to drop f-bombs and impress a lot of ladies, he is also a huge proponent of health care reform."
Weiner also asked Saget to do a health care reform-themed Aristocrats joke at the top of his lungs at some random republican dissidents. Details of the graphically hilarious partisan rant have not yet been published, but eye-witnesses say some of the topics covered included John Boehner's tanning lotion, a highway rest-stop toilet, and John Stamos moonlighting as a urologist.
At that point, Weiner was sure that Saget was the man to portray him in a made-for-TV movie.
CBS is set to air the made-for-TV movie on labor day weekend. Principal photography will begin this weekend in a government-operated locker room.
Although the film is set to be titled, "Weinergate", the producers are considering renaming the project something more original:
--"Huma's Cool With It: The Anthony Weiner Story"
--"Congressman Beefcake Goes to the Gym"
--"Cable News Casualties Caught on Tape"
--"No Different Than A Constituent"
--"Life in the I Don't Give A Fuck Lane"
--"Everybody's Done It, So Shut Up"
--"How to Be Great At Your Job And Get Forced To Resign Over Shit That Is No One's Business But Yours"
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